Looking for some gift ideas for the boys in your house? I have asked my two boys to sit down and come up with a list of a few things that they would want for Christmas this year. Now mind you this is from two boys of almost 10 and 11. Getting ready for those…

I Am Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving

You see what I mean? This is a daily occurrence and not something that only happens on the last Thursday of November. Guys, have you given thanks to God above for just those simple things that happen and you don’t even notice?

Men’s Breakfast

Todd Friel at the Men's Breakfast

Yep, I am talking food guys. Not only am I talking good food, I am also talking spiritual food. This year at the Teach Them Diligently Convention Men’s Breakfast Todd Friel of Wretched will be speaking. This will be a great way to start out your day.

Being The Best Father You Can Be – Responsibility

Being the Best Father

Guys, I am here today to get to the first of three things we as dads/fathers need to know to be the best that we can be. It is not an easy task to be a dad and even harder when we are going at it blindly. Yet do not loose hope, for there is an instruction book already prepared for you by the best author ever. Today we will cover a topic that we all need to hear about and take responsibility of.

How Are You Filtering?

How Are You Filtering?

What is your mesh size? Are you a 250 micron or a 100 micron? Are you a sand or ball? Do you have a UV light installed or not? Because dad, what I am asking you is how are you filtering what enters your home? Home ~ a place of safety, security and comfort. A…

Do You Have Lego Words?

Do You Have Lego Words?

What dad out there has not walked through his son’s room and not stepped on a Lego brick? Yes, the best way to bring out your true feeling in the middle of the night is for a kid’s Lego bucket to be scattered around on the floor. They are small, the colors blend in to…

Fatherhood ~ What Are You Passing? Part 2

Fatherhood ~ What Are You Passing?

Guys, my heart has been heavy on the role of a father and what the responsibilities of a father are recently. Today is a second part of the “What Are You Passing?” series. Fatherlessness One of the biggest issues that we, as a society, face today is the issue of fatherlessness. There are exceptions of…

Looking For Homeschool Help?

Teach Them Diligently Convention

Are you looking for some homeschooling help? Are the pressures of homeschooling starting to bear down on your nerves this time of year? Are you sitting there and asking yourself, “How do all of these other people find the time to do all of this homeschooling stuff?” Well do I have an idea for you.…