Time…Where Did it Go?

This month is only half way over and I am wondering where the time has gone? I think that today is the first day that I have had that I am sitting down and resting for a bit. Life goes by so fast and at times it feels like I am sitting on the bridge of the USS Enterprise at warp 9.8! One of my kids will be celebrating his 10th birthday this month. I sit back and look at the young man that he is becoming and I wonder, where did the time go?

How many dads ask themselves that same question? Many times we look back over our life and the life of our kids and wonder if what we are doing is the right thing for our kids. Have I provided for them?

Time...Where Did it Go?

Time…Where Did it Go?

Have I shown them what to do? Have I been there for them? There are many other questions that can fly through your mind, but those three stuck with me today.

Have I provided for my kids? Yes. I have provided food, shelter, clothes and love. All of this through the blessings of God. Mostly, I have provided them guidance through God’s Word! People say that beyond all the basic necessities, God’s Word is the next thing on the list that you need. I look at it as though it is a necessity, and not something that should come later on.

Have I shown them what to do? Yes. I have shown them how to swing a hammer, ride a bike, comb their hair, make up a bed, and cook an egg. I have also shown them how to get down and pray. To call out to God and ask for help and guidance. How there is no shame in not knowing everything and calling out to the one who does.

Have I been there for them? Yes. I have made it to and coached soccer and T-ball, been through Go-Ju karate, and kept watch over them as they sleep or were sick. Yet through all that, God has been there through absolutely everything and all the time. I am thankful that my kids know that when dad can’t be there, God is. That no matter what happens God will be there to love them.

Time slips by us all dads. There has yet to be an invention that will allow us to stop time. The best thing we can do is to continue to ask ourselves if we are doing the best we can and are we leading our kids the way that would be pleasing to God? Will we make mistakes? Yeah. But will we take the time to correct them? I hope so. Because life does not stop and neither do our kids. So love them dad. Wrap your arms around them and hug them every chance you get. Even if it embarrasses them! But remember to take the time you have before you ask yourself “Where did it go?”

Till next time
I’m just a Husband of a Homeschooling Mom,
Steve Blackston

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