Got The Time?

Hey guys, got the time? I have been camping and geocaching the past few days and had a blast with my family and friends. There are few things that can compare with camping, cooking, caching and camaraderie. (That was quite an alluring alliteration, and again another!)20131021-161104.jpgAnyway, once I got home and dried out from the rain and romping through the woods I stopped for a bit and just thought about the past four days. I asked myself why I had not done this more?

Dads do you got the time? Are you spending time with your family and friends? There needs to be a balance in doing this, but it is needed. The family that we went camping with is so similar to our own that it can be a bit strange at times. However, in these people, we have found great trust, friendship and some awesome comic relief as the night waxed on. We hiked through the woods as dads with our kids all around us, we cannoed across a lake with them, and we both found our kids growing up way to fast beside us.

Time is slipping by us dads. In the time that it takes to play a simple game with our kids, we will give a reason on why we can not and go off to do something else that does not involve our kids. Yet if one of our friends ask us to help with something or to go hangout, we jump at the chance. If this is what we are doing on dads, we are failing.

Take a look at this video about how many days we have left with beans. Then look at your life, and see if you have time.

None of us know how much time or how many beans we have left. What we do know is that we should make every effort to make the time we have count! This goes beyond homeschooling guys, this goes into parenting, friendship and loving and caring about our kids, our family, and our friends. Take a bean, make the time, and get out there with you family. After all life is just a vapor. Ironicly enough that is what becomes of most beans also! I had to do that.

Till next time,

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