Camping Tonight!!

Tonight I am letting my boys step up and become the camp site makers, fire starters and become the person that takes care of anything else needed for camping. Because we are camping tonight!!

Camping Tonight!

Camping Tonight!

Mind you we are not off on a long excursion across the wilderness, but that is what the boys want to do one day! So in preparation for this upcoming event, I am putting them in charge of everything tonight. However, I will cook! Call me Hop Sing if you want, but I do the cooking when we camp. Especially if I am going to be eating it. I will do a follow up post Saturday to tell how things went. But, you can follow along tonight via Twitter.

So guys, what are you doing with your kids this weekend? Got some plans? If so, let’s hear about them and maybe get other dads motivated to get out there and spend some time with their kids.

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